Well, this is Grants Birthday Party and of course I have everything backwards again and can't move any photos. But anyway, he had a blast. It began with the theme of "A Very Hungry Catepillar" The first part was a game placing the catepillar on an apple which was the first thing the catepillar ate. Second came the story which was read by Nick or Daddy. The last thing was the opening of the presents. As you can tell he really enjoyed opening presents! And during all this everyone was encouraged to eat some of the things the catepillar ate which were a fuit salad with apples, grapes, oranges, plums and strawberries. Some salami, cheese and crackers, sausages (in graple jelly and mustard and BBQ sauce)
and yummy skewers with green grapes and a strawberry on top like the hungry catepillar ate. Also gummy worms, suckers and other gummy stuff. It took place at Gramma and Grampa Collins House.

Oh boy, a kitchen like Grampa and Gramma Collins, but from Grampa and Gramma Dille

Oh boy baseball equipment!

A fun book!

Yipee! Rain clothes, boots and umbrella from Aunt Karina and family.

Abbey (one of the cousins) and Landon, Grant and Michelle

One of the friends and Grant

Landon, Abbey and Tanner.

Landon and Karina's kids play with slinkies and spiky green balls

Daddy reading the story
Tanner and the Apple game

Lula and the Apple game
Tate and the Apple Game

Tate getting turned around to begin the Apple Game