Daveda and Leland (who was in charge of the reunion)
Basketball anyone? Emma & Pat (her fiance)
This year's reunion was fun! Here are some of the people who made it this year!
Shauna's daughter, Emma and Aaron's daughter, Carter
Taylor, Paige and Lorinda
Saturday potluck luncheon at the park!
Lorin (our oldest son)
Elaina and Jake at the luncheon
Some of those doing ceramics at the school
More ceramics
Marin and Alexis doing (guess what!) ceramics and Nathan
Emma and her dog, Pedro
Mark (Alison's son) and Carter(Aaron's daughter and Grandma Dille
Aaron, Daniel and Nathan and Grandma Dille
The reunion started on Friday and we went to the movies, I can't remember the name of it, but it took place at a museum where everything comes to life at night, oh , it's called Night At The Museum. On Saturday we had the potluck luncheon and one of Uncle Joe's daughter, Wanda and her husband came. We did ceramics and played a game and went swimming. Then Sunday we went to the Shoshone Ward (Grandma is now in the Dietrich Ward). We were in charge of the Sunday luncheon and had Roast Beef, left overs, mashed potatoes and gravy, a relish tray and Apricot Upside Down Cake. And then we had the family meeting and talked about Grandma and the fact that she's forgetting things, etc. Grandma decided that she wants to get rid of her car. And we asked Daveda if she could check on Grandma a couple times a day. All in all it was a fun reunion. Dad found a new talent: ceramincs. We talked a lot and caught up on what the year has brought each of us.