Please, Mom!
Alan and helpers installing a new battery for 4 Wheeler
Bradden and Andrew riding the 4 Wheeler
Puppet Grampa
This year Dale was in charge of the reunion and it was really great! We had a very good time talking and looking at photo albums and an album that was written by Karen called "Bits and Pieces" telling different experiences she remembers from growing up. As usual there were the trips to Twin Falls to see movies and shopping and this year we went to the Open House for the Twin Falls Temple, trips to "The Drop" several days, and great food, of course! We did all of the eating at the Shoshone School that Uncle Leland was the architect for and had the Saturday activity there. For the activity we all wrote on cards True or False or questions lettered as A B or C about something that happened to us that others probably don't know. We divided up into 3 teams and had to guess the answers to each card question. Dale's son, Jonathan, asked the questions and moderated. It was really fun and we learned a lot about each other. On Sunday we went to Church and then went over to the school for lunch. People started leaving, but Norman and I stayed through Tuesday and got to be with Grandma Dille an extra 2 days!